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Learn How to Create SOPs from ISO/IEC 17025
Learn how to create effective SOPs from ISO 17025, ensuring compliance and quality in laboratory processes with clear, practical examples.
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Creating Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) from ISO 17025

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are essential documents that provide clear instructions for performing specific tasks within a laboratory. When aligned with ISO 17025, these procedures ensure that laboratories consistently meet quality and compliance standards. In this article, we will explore how to create effective SOPs based on ISO 17025 requirements and provide a practical example to illustrate the process.

Understanding ISO 17025

ISO 17025 is the international standard that specifies the general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. It ensures that laboratories produce valid and reliable results while maintaining quality management systems. By creating SOPs aligned with ISO 17025, laboratories can ensure consistency, accuracy, and compliance in their operations.

Steps to Create SOPs from ISO 17025

1. Identify Key Processes

The first step in creating SOPs is to identify the key processes within the laboratory that require documentation. This may include procedures for testing, calibration, equipment maintenance, sample handling, and data reporting. Engaging staff members who perform these tasks can help highlight the most critical processes.

2. Outline Step-by-Step Instructions

Once key processes have been identified, outline step-by-step instructions based on the requirements specified in ISO 17025. These instructions should be clear and concise, detailing each action that needs to be taken to achieve compliance. Consider breaking down complex tasks into manageable steps to enhance clarity.

3. Include Relevant Information

Incorporate essential details in the SOPs, such as:

  • Equipment specifications: Describe the tools and instruments used in the process.
  • Safety measures: Outline the necessary safety precautions to protect personnel and the environment.
  • Quality control methods: Specify any quality checks, including calibration and maintenance schedules.

4. Regularly Review and Update

To maintain the effectiveness of SOPs, it is crucial to review and update them regularly. This ensures that they reflect current practices, technological advancements, and any changes in regulations. Establish a schedule for reviewing SOPs, and involve relevant personnel in the process to gather feedback and insights.

Example SOP: Calibration of Analytical Balance

Title: Calibration of Analytical Balance

Objective: To ensure accurate weight measurements by calibrating the analytical balance in accordance with ISO 17025 standards.

Scope: This procedure applies to all laboratory personnel responsible for the use and calibration of the analytical balance.


1. Preparation:

  • Verify that the analytical balance is clean and free from debris.
  • Gather calibration weights of known values and ensure they are certified.

2. Calibration Process:

  • Turn on the analytical balance and allow it to warm up for at least 30 minutes.
  • Select the calibration option in the balance’s menu.
  • Place the certified weight on the balance and record the displayed value.
  • Repeat the process with at least three different weights, following the manufacturer’s instructions.

3. Documentation:

  • Record all calibration data in the Calibration Logbook.
  • Include details such as date, time, operator name, and any deviations from expected values.

4. Post-Calibration:

  • If any discrepancies are found, recalibrate the balance and repeat the checks until the results are within acceptable limits.
  • Notify the lab supervisor if repeated calibrations fail to meet the specified criteria.

5. Review and Update:

  • Review this SOP annually to ensure it reflects the latest practices and compliance with ISO 17025.


Creating SOPs from ISO 17025 is essential for ensuring that laboratory processes are standardized, reliable, and compliant with international standards. By following the outlined steps and using practical examples like the calibration of an analytical balance, laboratories can enhance their operational efficiency and maintain high-quality results. Regularly reviewing and updating SOPs will further strengthen laboratory practices, leading to improved outcomes and greater confidence in laboratory results.

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Navigating opportunities in chemistry.

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